
Behavior change: digital health interventions

The vast majority of health and care services now use digital technologies to help citizens change habits and make healthier choices. But with so many different tools available it can be hard to know which ones work best. We are delighted that NICE has published a practical guide to show how to develop, commission, and use digital health to improve behavior change services.

In our latest newsletter, we summarise the guidance and share with you how Staffordshire Council has embedded digital health into its behavior change services and is seeing a real impact. We also invite you to a free webinar where you will hear Crystal Dennis, Interim Lead, Public Facing Digital Health Services, Our Dorset Digital, explain how they have embedded digital into behavior change services, and the results are seen.


Top 5 Actions from the New NICE Guidelines

In the recently published NICE Guideline ‘Behaviour change: digital and mobile health interventions’, the committee recommends the use of digital and mobile health interventions to change unhealthy behaviors such as smoking, high alcohol consumption, unhealthy diet, sedentary behavior, and unsafe sex. But most importantly, NICE provides advice on how you can use evidence to improve care and services in this growing practice.

A helpful and practical tool for anyone developing, commissioning, or using digital health, we’ve summarised the 5 most significant points. Read in full


Free webinar: digital interventions for behavior change

We would like to invite you to join our upcoming free webinar, Digital Interventions for Behaviour Change, on Wednesday 9th December at 14:00 – 15:00 GMT.

In this webinar, Liz Ashall Payne, CEO at ORCHA, and Crystal Dennis, Interim Lead, Public Facing Digital Health Services at Our Dorset Digital, explain how Dorset has embedded digital into behavior change services, and the results are seen.

Register for free here.


Staffordshire Public Health Changes Lives with Digital Health

With around 40% of ill health preventable, and obesity, smoking, and diabetes the major factors, Staffordshire Council’s support services aim to help people make better lifestyle choices. Although effective, the team identified that face-to-face appointments don’t work for everyone, and even during COVID-19, when appointments were moved online, the format still stops many people from engaging. So the team took steps to introduce Digital Health. Read how “the program has been a success. We see the number of recommendations and downloads growing and know that for many, it is helping to change their lives and become healthier.” Read the full case study.


ORCHA is part of the NHS England National Innovation Accelerator Programme. We work with health bodies across the world to unlock the power of Digital Health, including NHS organizations in 50% of regions. Our vision is to revolutionize care through the safe integration of digital health solutions into all aspects of health and care services, leading to more patient-centered, effective care. You can now search ORCHA’s App Library at

ORCHA provides tailored microsites and prescription services and helps organizations across the world to integrate health and care apps safely into practice. To find out how ORCHA can help you, please get in touch.